One Man’s Opinions

"Graduation 100%" Stolen from Kirbs

“Graduation 100%” Stolen from Kirbs

Soo my being here is to help the education system of Indonesia….Which anyone can imagine is no quick fix. But I often get asked about the differences in the school systems here and in America and what I think can be done to make students better (bahhh) and make the education system better. While there are many problems with the schooling system including our own in America, there is one that keeps popping it’s ugly head, that maybe if implemented could greatly improve the education system that is already in store. So what would this fix be Rob? Well glad I have been asked the 20th time.

I think one major piece of the puzzle is school districts. I look back at my time in High School and Hated School districts, people moved to go to different schools and myself wanted to attend a different schools but we have school districts and I never understood the reasoning behind them. But being here has shown me why they are soo important.

One of the major problems with school here is cheating. Cheating is completely acceptable here and there are many reasons why. The reason is that teachers do not care if this occurs because schools need to have high graduation rates that are normally 100%. Why Robert Why? Well because parents choose where to send their kids…this can even be at far distances even though there are closer schools. So as a parent you want your kid to go to a better school, so instead of sending a kid to a school that only has 90% graduation rate you would rather send your kid to a school with 100% graduation rate about 5 miles up the road. Schools are constantly competing against one another for students, which increases their revenue. So when it comes to cheating there is no problem as their is a need for high grad rates. Now if I were in a school like such my opinion would be much the same as some students here, Why do I need to study or try hard when I know at the end of the year when I have tests that determine if I will graduation I can just cheat and pass without challenging myself.

So I believe a way to fix cheating and laziness in the classroom would be the nation wide implementation of school districts. This way parents can’t just choose any random school but have to chose the one they live in their for making students more accountable for their own grades and eliminating the need for cheating.

Without cheating being common place schools and the government can truly gauge how students are doing instead of getting bad information on how well a certain teacher is doing or determining the need for better material in a certain class.


Of course I have yet to really teach in class yet, and I am by no means qualified to say this would work or is even needed but this is my opinion of maybe a way to fix a struggling education system

2 thoughts on “One Man’s Opinions

  1. Pingback: No Quick Fix….An Educational System in need of repair | Welcome to the Ring of Fire!

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